M Gabriel Colbaugh takes a look at how science fiction and fantasy fans who love Steam Punk and role-playing games can explore some cool Steam Punk venues and experience adventure outside of the anime film genre. Steam Punk is a science fiction sub-genre that is usually set in Victorian-style cultures and/or times — typically the period from 1850 to 1910.
These Steam Punk games are among some of the classic Steam Punk adventure games that have delighted science fiction and fantasy fans for several years.
This article was republished from DoctorFantastiques.com with permission.
Rolling the Dice on Steampunk (via http://doctorfantastiques.com)
There are many in the Steampunk community that have sat down at a table, pulled out a character sheet and rolled some dice to determine the odds of surviving against some horrific monster or devious trap. Yes, Role-Playing is a familiar hobby to many with experiences ranging from the classic fantasy…