“The Hunger Games” was one of the most highly anticipated movies of early 2012. Fans bought out tickets for their local theaters days in advance. Thanks to the Internet everyone knew that “The Hunger Games” would be seen by millions of people on its first day. Unlike the gruesome advance marketing that Disney put out for “John Carter”, fans of “The Hunger Games” were given plenty of encouragement to anticipate a great movie.
Unfortunately for “John Carter”, which is a very good movie, Disney failed to build up anticipation among its audiences. “The Hunger Games” — opening only a few weeks after “John Carter” — thus offers us a great opportunity to compare marketing efforts. The Christian Science Monitor takes a look at why “The Hunger Games” was so successful on its opening weekend.
The article writer manages to squeeze in references to plenty of other movies, including “Avatar” by James Cameron, “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider”, “Resident Evil”, and even the Harry Potter series. If you haven’t been watching all these movie franchises through the years then maybe this isn’t the article for you.
How 'The Hunger Games' scored a marketing win (via The Christian Science Monitor)
By Schuyler Velasco, Correspondent posted March 27, 2012 at 10:16 am EDT “The Hunger Games” movie was expected to be big. But no studio could have dared hope for this. The first film installment of Suzanne Collins’ bestselling trilogy of young adult novels, which premiered Friday, brought throngs…